Saturday, November 8, 2014

Red Queens and Increasing Returns

The science fiction movie I watched for the Module 4 assignment was accessed through Netflix using my Roku. The current competition between DVDs and video-on-demand are examples of Red Queens. There was a time when Blockbuster Video locations could be found as easily as a McDonald’s restaurants. Then they had competition from mail order DVD companies, and cable on-demand. Now Netflix, Amazon instant video, and the many other instant streaming video channels now available through the Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, or Chromecast have almost made DVD’s extinct. I currently have one DVD player in my home, for my son, because I get videos for him from the library. No one else in my home finds it necessary to have a DVD player. Within the next five years DVD will be in the same category as VHS tapes. On McLuhan’s tetrad (Thornburg, D., 2013c) (1) the DVDs allows a view to watch a movie at anytime, it obsoletes the (2) VHS, and rekindles (3) family home movies, and flips into (4) on-demand instant videos.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2014g). David Thornburg: Red queens [Video file].
Baltimore, MD:
Thornburg, D. (2013c). Emerging technologies and McLuhan's laws of media. Lake Barrington,
IL: Thornburg Center for Space Exploration.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Disruptive Power of Google Glass

Google Glass will displace several technologies. It will displace the digital camera, laptops, tablets, and eventually the smartphone. At the moment Google Glass needs to be paired with a smartphone and its applications are limited. However, as with any new technology improvements and applications are always forthcoming. Matt Swider of Techradar (2013) provides an in depth review of the Google Glass that worth reading and a short video review worth watching. A drawback that he mentions is the 45-minute battery life; any technology lasting only 45-minutes is not worth the money to me. Additionally, the cost is staggering, and I would be concerned with my privacy being invaded. I wouldn’t want anyone walking down the street recording me and then sharing it with the world.

 This new technology is still in its infancy and needs much integration. Once this technology reaches the point of critical mass it can be used for training for new employees, such as the example presented by Taube (2014) who stated that KFC and others in the fast-food industry  can use this type of technology to train its employees. KFC recently tested a program using the glasses to train new employees. Training in this manner, if proved to be successful, can be used in all industries. In addition, individualized learning programs can be created for specific learning needs and students in special education programs. 

At present, police officers in Dubai are Google Glasses to identify wanted vehicles, and record and report traffic violations. Only time will tell how far reaching this technology become. Wearable technology is the current “in thing”, within the next two to five years Google Glasses will see viable competition and will be replaced by a disruptive technology within the next fifteen years.

Swider, M. (2013). Explorer Edition upgrades to 2GB of RAM in the US and UK. Is it worth the price now?

Taube, A. (2014). Google Glass Could Save KFC And Other Fast-Food Companies Millions Of Dollars.

Unknown, (2014). Dubai traffic violators to be fined with Google Glass.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Rhymes of History

A technology that follows the Rhymes of history are the various forms of social media; Twitter, Edmodo, Google +, Facebook, etc. Social Media rekindles the daily newspaper. The daily newspapers used to provide a morning edition and an evening edition. Today, journalist and individuals’ record news as it happens. Within an hour an event has been heard worldwide, through a tweet, on YouTube, or a text. Before social media became popular, individuals relied on journalists to report events through the news paper. Then in the 1930’s reporters provided news on television. Today, there is a platform to meet everyone’s need to learn the events of the day. We can watch the morning of evening news, read the newspaper, read a digital newspaper, or simply go online to the numerous websites that provide us with moment by moment news updates.  


Morejon, R. (2012). How Social Media is Replacing Traditional Journalism as a News Source.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Tetrad for Holographic Technology

Holographic technology will enhance the online education experience. It will also enhance conferencing and workshops for participants who are not able to participate at the venues location. 
This technology will make current forms of online education obsolete, which includes pre-recorded videos, as well as current forms of video conferencing. 
Holographic technology will retrieve face-to-face discussions with individuals as well as groups.

Almost all manner of communication will be conducted by means of holographic technology.  The television will move to holographic imagery, telephones will move from face-time to holographic images, video emails will also be utilized.