Thursday, February 23, 2012

Module 6 - Philosophy of Learning

Technology has had a profound impact on the way I learn. I started with online learning through a blended masters program. Halfway through the program I became ill and switched to a fully online program. While on bed rest I was able to continue my studies. For me, learning online is the best way for me to learn. I do gain adequate knowledge from face-to-face professional development, but I get so much more out of finding knowledge online for myself, through blogs, wiki’s, and videos. I also believe collaborating online or taking part in discussions provides me with new knowledge or gives me a new perspective on something I am currently learning.

I believe that the use of technology is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning. Regardless of the technology that is available in schools, teachers need to take the time to learn how to use the technology available to them and implement technology into their instruction. The lives of students today, whether primary grade students or college seniors, is filled with technology; educators need to take a step forward and stay ahead of the students or at least stay on the same page as students when it comes to using technology. Personally, I strive daily to learn something new to stay ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nadine,

    I am happy that technology filled the gap for you when you were sick and on bed rest!

    I totally agree with you in that teachers need to immerse themselves in some goal setting and take responsibility for their own learning and best practices in the utilization of technoloical tools.

    I love your approach to ensure that you learn one new thing a day. That's my goal too but I have trouble tracking my progress and staying consistent. I'm wondering if you record your learning in a journal/notepad to track your information. This is the step I need to take in order to rasie my own bar in student and teacher achievement!


