Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Module 2 - Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

In a blog discussion dating back to 2007, Bill Kerr, spoke of _isms that existed then and are quite prevalent today. I agree with Bill Kerr, when he stated, “It seems to me that each _ism is offering something useful….” (Kerr, 2007). Karl Kapp expanded on the conversation by asking, “What is the best, how do we know what makes sense or what doesn’t?” (Kapp, 2007). As educators we must analyze all theories and assess what is relevant to our teaching philosophy, teaching style, and the needs of our students.  This in part, answers Kapp’s question. Kapp responded to his question by stating that “lower level learning (lower cognitive load) requires a behaviorist approach (memorize, recognizing, labeling) … procedural and rule-based learning requires … Cognitivism and finally, problem-solving, collaboration and creativity require a view of Constructivism".  By the end of the discussion an agreement was reached, a portion of each _ism was used based on the cognitive load and the form of learning. I am in agreement with both men and conclude that differentiated instruction can, in essence, be linked to what these men stated.

Kaplan, M. (2011, December 14). Guest Blog at Edutopia: Breaking Down Differentiated Instruction [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Kapp, K. (2007, January 2). Out and about: Discussion on educational schools of thought [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Kerr, B. (2007, January 1). _isms as filter, not blinker [Web log post]. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. You are so right that we must analyze all theories. In church today the preacher stated the statistic that doctors should read up to 200 medical articles each quarter to stay up to date in medicine. This had me thinking that teachers really should do the same. We, just as doctors, should stay up to date with the latest findings in our profession. I believe this would really help us give our students the best learning environment possible. BV
